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عقارات المملكة

4.0 ( 1760 ratings )
ビジネス ライフスタイル ショッピング
開発者 Leza Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

KSAEstate app was made with a sole intention of making living in Saudi Arabia easy and convenient to people living and willing to visit Saudi Arabia. We as a team are committed in providing outstanding service and value to both buyers and sellers.

تم تصميم تطبيق عقارات المملكة بهدف تسهيل عملية البحث في سوق العقار السعودي بكل أنواعه : أراضي , فلل ,شقق ,,الخ سواء كانت بهدف الاستثمار أو بشكل شخصي .التطبيق يساعدك لمعرفه حركه أسعار العقار مدعوم بموقع وسعر وصور للعقار وماهي آخر وأقوى العروض العقارية من أكبر مكاتب العقار في المملك

Key Features:

-Search nearby homes for sale,homes for rent, and recently sold home.
-Customize your search by price, number of bedrooms and bathrooms and more.
-view lots of eye-popping home photos.
-Get notified for latest and most rated properties.
-Find nearby open houses and get route to the location.
-You can register as a new user or an agency.
-Login to post your properties for free.
-You can also comment on properties and se what others have commented on yours.
-Share properties with friends via Facebook,Twitter or by email.
-Useful web links.
-You can also send your feedback and suggestions for us to improve and "Make Life More Easier For You".

Have a comment or suggestion?Email us anytime: [email protected]